Friday, December 4, 2009

Meth Hot Spots in Guerneville

Below are several "hot spots" in Guerneville where residents have seen meth transcations and/or using happening at an increased frequency. Unfortunately, due to legal ramifications, we are unable to post specific personal information of those responsible for this activity. Also the intention is to shine light on these areas so that community members feel empowered to organize and encourage the authorities to do something about these "known" problem spots. If you have other "hot spots" you would like to add to the list, please post them in the comments section.

1. Fairy Ring Campground off of Armstrong Woods Road. Residents are actively dealing and using meth.

2. Spooner's Trailer Park, Guernewood.

3. Under Guerneville Bridge. Continuous, active dealing of meth. Meth dealing at all hours along the river, particularly in the warmer months.

4. Duncan Road on the Guerneville Side. House is openly and actively dealing meth.

5. Mill and Main Street. Active dealing of meth on the corner in broad daylight.


  1. where's spooner's trailer park?

  2. And don't forget 14860 River Road -- a major meth dealer hangout, and a known gang hangout.

    I guess that's why the county just gave the owner of the property $400,000 for three el cheapo manufactured "houses." Can't have the tweakers out in the rain....

  3. Fire Mountain Lodge, First Street, Guerneville

    1. I am the manager now and it is cleaned up and nice and no drug dealers here!

  4. Wow guys, what happened to thou shalt not judge. Mind your own business and quit pissing off and calling out the majority of that towns population. There on Meth remember there's no telling what they'll do, Pa-lease get a life and quit being anonymous people who truely believe in a cause don't hide themselves from it.

  5. A little too much white trash,meth heads,and other such riff raff here lately ! Wish someone would clean up the rusty cars on blocks and get rid of the welfare cases in Section 8. This place used to be glamorous ( about 60 years ago)

  6. I am from this area and Guerneville was Glamorous in the 1950's ... for about 20 mins. Since then it has been a place where people get by and enjoy diversity. Drug use is everywhere ... Get over it. It would seem that people are more interested in changing the Bohemian nature of the area than enjoy it for what it is.

  7. I am the manager at fire mountain lodge. It is not like that now. No drug dealers here!

    1. Suzie, I used to live at the Fire Mountain Lodge. Does Merrill still own the place?

  8. Is Guerneville safe for a get-a-way destination? Is there violence from the Methamphetamine users & dealers?

  9. No violence from The methamphetamine users and dealers- they get along fine. No one would be sticking to the tried and true business model of user and supplier for so long, if they were fighting eachother.
    Guerneville is totally safe; it’s quite diverse- you have the lbgqtsbitrywtfever community, hippies, hillbillies, rednecks, hippybillies, Mexicans, 2 part time Asians, entitled snobs who don’t really live there but own the properties,a few families of historical significance, a couple with hysterical significance, a handful of non-human shapeshifters, a couple Clans of Sasquatch, a dire wolf ghost, several restless spirits of missing little girls, some greys, some brownies, a couple Nordics, a serial killer, and if you include Cazadero or children under the age of 18, then we can proudly boast of a growing black community, with 3 1/2 males, and 1 3/4 females. And we all get along great due to our solidarity and unified front in our war on homeless people.
    (Which reminds me: does anyone know of a word to replace ‘people’ with? It doesn’t feel accurate for our homeless problems.’
